Sunday, June 7, 2009



We've all been there. Sitting in front of our computer screen, with our scrapping goodies right in front of us......
and we can't get a page put together. Personally, there are days when I'll start a layout 4 or 5 times, and I just can't get it to come together. The mojo has gone, and no amount of chocolate will help (but at least it still tastes good LOL).
In those times of frustration, where do you turn? When I'm in a rut, these are the things that usually help me:
1. New photos
2. Looking through galleries (both digital and paper)
3. A day or two away from the computer (gasp!)
4. Sketches (Page Maps and Pencil Lines are two good sources that are regularly updated)
I'd love to hear what you do to get out of a scrapping block...if you'd like to share, please drop us a note in the comments!
Until next time, happy scrapping!