Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sneak Preview of Valentine's Day Kit


Are you getting excited about Valentine's Day on the 14th of February? We've got the babysitter booked, aka Nanna and are off to see the UK farewell tour of Riverdance, the Irish Dancing show. I've always wanted to see it and this will be my last chance, so we booked the tickets. I can't wait!

I've got a sneak preview to show you of Valarie's latest Valentine kit.
It's called Her First Valentine and we'll let you know as soon as it is in the shops at CLD and BTST.
And here is one of my pages of DD and her first teddy bear.

Have fun and don't forget to go and snag the freebie add-on to Life is Good on Valarie's own personal blog HERE
Have fun,